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Ash Class

In Ash class (Years 1 and 2), our teacher is Miss Parish and we are also lucky to have Mrs James in our class too.

In English we use high quality non-fiction and narrative texts to learn more about our topics. We learn new vocabulary and connect features of grammar to different genres before creating our own writing based on what we have learnt together. Sometimes we perform or publish what we have written to share it with a wider audience.

We enjoy lots of stories together, and teach Read Write Inc. phonics to learn speed sounds and to practice reading in groups to become fluent readers. We then use stories and poems for guided reading to practice inference and deduction skills to really unpick and understand the texts. We also enjoy an end of the day story or short chapter book as our novel to enjoy together.

In Maths we work in small groups to secure fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills. We use differentiated chilli challenges to ensure that we practice all these skills at the right level. We have a daily Maths Blast session, where we practice number bonds, times tables, calculation and revisit facts from previous years to keep them fresh no matter what our current Maths lesson topic might be.

In the afternoons we explore the wider curriculum, including art, DT, computing and music. We also have PSHCE on an afternoon and PE. Throughout the year, Ash class also have the opportunity to take part in forest school sessions, we will let you know when these are.

In Ash class we have a reading area, construction area, creative station, reflection and calm corner and our prayer station.

We are a class full of busy, happy learners!


Please click here for a copy of our welcome letter.

Ash Class Photo Gallery