Willow Class
In Willow class (Reception and Year 1), our teacher is Miss Hunter. We are also very lucky to have Miss Scaife and Mr Eastham in our class too.
We enjoy lots of stories together, getting lost in another world. We explore new vocabulary, and build a love of reading for pleasure. We teach phonics through Read Write Inc (RWI) to learn speed sounds and practice segmenting and blending to become fluent readers.
In English, Reception children use high quality stories and texts to explore characters and settings. Children make predictions and use their imagination to create their own story and adventures.
In year 1 we use high quality texts to learn more about our units. We explore new vocabulary and connect features of grammar to different genres before creating our own writing based on what we have learnt together. We do our English through our different curriculum units. This makes our writing really interesting.
In Mathematics, Reception learn through Numberblocks a mastery approach, which allows us to get a really deep understanding of each number, turning us into mathematicians. In year 1 we work to build our fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills across a wide range of mathematic areas, such as addition and subtraction, measurement, fractions, time and so much more.
In the afternoons we explore our units through our wider curriculum, including art and music. We also have PSHCE lessons, PE and reflection. Throughout the year Willow class get the opportunity to take part in forest school sessions, we will keep you informed about when these are.
Miss Hunter likes to set up lots of exciting opportunities in provision that children can access both inside and outside throughout the day. We have lots of fun open-ended resources to explore using our imagination and Miss Hunter enhances our provision areas based on our themes and interests.
I look forward to learn alongside your children this year and I cannot wait to watch them flourish.
Please click here for a copy of our welcome letter.